This document describes all steps necessary to configure, design and deploy integration projects on Bizlynq platform. At this step user should be able to log in to the web dashboard and open designer application creating a new or opening existing project. For reference see [BizlynqAdminGuide]
Design concepts
A design project on Bizlynq Platform consists of a number of resources which may include following:
a flow definition
properties file
additional configuration items
Each flow definition represents a set of steps that are followed when events are generated on a platform. Events are generated by an inbound transports that may be linked to flows. Transports are also used for some steps that require resources that are common for whole project, for example connections and supplementary services. Below is a diagram describing all major elements of fully functional integration project:
Note: Designer application is only used to configure project elements that are known at design time. Others are only referenced and can be set at deployment time. For additional information please reference [BizlynqAdminGuide]
Designer overview
Designer web application is designed in a canvas-centric approach. Major space of the screen is occupied by a canvas that visualizes state of the flow. On the left there is a smaller panel with a project tree that allows switching between process resources. It is also used as a project list for convenient switching between projects. On the right there is a pallete, used to configure flow steps.
Illustration 1
Project resources and project list pane
Resources pane contains a tree with all project resources. User can fold and unfold each part of the tree, as well as create and delete project resources.
Illustration 2
To add or remove resources user must open context menu (right click) and choose proper option. There are several options available, all of them refer to the element that was right-clicked:
Illustration 3
User can group resources using folders, create new process flows, delete and rename them.
The second role of the left pane is a project list quick switch pane. User can reach this pane by clicking ALL PROJECTS tab above the pane. Here you can see all the company projects, open or delete them or create totally new project.
Illustration 4
Palette pane
Palette pane contains a grouped list of flow elements. Those are grouped by type and presented with icons and description. Some pallete elements may be disabled, in such situation they will be greyed-out.
Illustration 5
Canvas pane
During design phase, user creates transports for the design time, creates flows, associates transports with a flow and updates flows with transformation steps linked with each other with arrows. See example canvas below:
Illustration 6
There are also two toolbars that supports effortless project development:
Project tree toolbar – used for project related actions, like project validation, debugging, deployment
Canvas toolbar – used for arrangement of flow steps, flow validation and canvas design mode switches
Flow element configuration dialog
When hovering over a flow element a spanner icon ( ) appears. This icon, when clicked, opens flow element configuration dialog. This dialog allows basic configuration and mapping of element's input data. There are also two other tabs: input and output that displays what element actually accepts as an input and what delivers as an output. In some cases these structures are editable.
Illustration 7
The mapping page by default displays graphical mapper that allows easy mapping of all elements from available data. In all modes on the left there is a tree of available data. The content of the tree depends on what actually is available. Generally output of all preceding elements is available, as well as project properties. If your data is not on the list, check if there is a path from the element providing data to the element utilizing the data. To map data link parts of the left tree with the parts of the right tree by simply dragging them.
Illustration 8
If some additional transformations are required user can enable editor view by clicking on a respective toolbar entry. Editor allows applying additional transformations based on a functions available. Auto-complete, bracket matching and function helpers are available when user is typing. Additionally Ctrl + Space can be used to trigger help dialogs when requested. All expressions and functions are part of Xpath 2.0 specification, see [XPath20Spec].
Illustration 9
On the bottom there is also an Advanced Mode switch. This brings us to the transformation text editor. This view allows to prepare a very complex and powerful transformations, provided that user understands XSL Transformations, as in [XSLT20Spec]. Advanced editor features code coloring and formatting, line numbering, auto-complete and validation.
Illustration 10
Both Input and Output tabs also supports Advanced Mode. When editable, advanced mode displays additional buttons to format, save and validate options. Code-coloring and auto-completing is also supported. Input and Output tabs in advanced mode displays and accepts code compatible with Xschema spacification as in [XSchema11Spec]
Illustration 11
Each project cannot be complete without at least two transports one inbound and one outbound. There are multiple transport types, see table Below for details.
Note: For some transports relevant services must be accessible from Bizlynq servers at least for design phase.
Most transports share these common properties, user can validate transport to ensure entered properties are valid:
Property |
Description |
Name |
Name describing connection, this is used only for display purposes |
Uri path |
An unique path that will identify a connection on given environment. This way there can be a different connection definition on each environment. |
Channel Type |
Inbound or Outbound – inbound channels are available in starter step, outbound channels are used for steps within flow that needs a transport resource |
Transport |
Details |
Database transport is used to access most common relational databases. Currently following database engines are supported:
If your database is not on the list, please contact support. Apart from event generation, user can perform read or write operations using respective flow elements. Some basic credentials must be configured:
FTP transport allows file transfers. There are three types of file transfer connection available:
Flow can be triggered when the file appears on the server and flow elements can utilize this transport to upload, download and operate on server files. There are several configuration items:
JMS is the standard for messaging systems. Bizlynq can connect to servers compatible with JMS v1.1 standard. Online version supports ActiveMQ implementation with HornetQ as an option. Other providers may be introduced depending on a provider license restrictions. For concepts of JMS technology please reffer to [Jms11Specification]. There are two connection methods supported:
There are also several properties:
Mail transport allows both generating events basing on incoming mails and sending mails as a flow action. For inbound channels we have following supported mail protocols:
For the outbound channels only SMTP is supported (ports are usually 25, 587 or 465 for secure use). Depending on mail service provider, different set of properties must be used:
A rest transport is a http(s) based configuration for REST requests. Currently only outbound channels are supported. Even thou most REST services support JSON, XML and plaintext are also supported. Also several authorization methods are supported:
This is one of transports that do not connect externally. Scheduer is an iternal service that allows triggering flows on predefined time. This transport is inbound only. There are several templates (Schedule types) that allows easier configuration:
SOAP transport is used for calls described in SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 protocol. There are following properties to configure:
Flow elements
Apart from transports directly linked to flows, generating events on Start element, user can also utilize a number of other elements to build fully working transformation logic. Flow elements have many different purposes as described below. All elements must be linked, to check if element is correctly linked and configured please validate flow (see paragraph )
All Database operations require a Database transport. See paragraph 4
Element |
Description |
Database Operation |
Database operation supports any dml or ddl statement that does not return any result set (insert, update, create, execute, etc.). Following configuration items are available:
Output optionally contains a number of affected rows and identifiers, if operation was a dml (insert, update, etc.). Some of described features are dependent on the database vendor. |
Database Query |
Database query works in a similar fashion as database operation above. The difference is that it returns result sets as an output and that it accemts statements that return result sets (select, procedures returning result sets, etc.). Similar properties are available:
Output contains a result set returned when executing this statement. There is a hard limit of 1000 rows that can be returned |
All FTP operations require a FTP transport. For supported protocols see FTP Transport definition in paragraph 4
Element |
Description |
FTP Get |
Get operation pulls files from the server. User provides a path with optional pattern on input. Following configuration items are available:
On the output element provides details of the matched files and (optional) content. |
FTP Operation |
FTP Operation allows some basic operations on the file server. Depending on the command below a different input is available to map. There are following properties are available:
There is no output available. |
FTP Put |
FTP Put operation uploads content to the file server. User must provide a path and a content to upload. Path must be unambiguous. There is only configuration item:
There is no output available. |
File operations do not require any transport. They operate on the file system, but are limited to the fixed working directory. This operations are used mainly for caching and queuing purposes.
File |
Element |
Description |
File Operation |
File operation provides some basic functionality related to the files. Depending on the operation mapping tab requires different set of data. See properties below:
There is no output available. |
Read File |
File Read will create and store a file in the working directory. User must provide content and path where the file will be created. Path may be provided in configuration or using mapping tab, but must be unambiguous. There are following properties are available:
On the output there is a list of files with their content. |
Write File |
Write File operation saves content to the file in the working directory. User must provide a path and a content to upload. Path must be unambiguous. There are following configuration items:
There is no output available. |
General operations enables some generic features that allows more complex mappings, error handling and others.
Element |
Description |
Call Process |
Lets user call any other process, even if it is linked to the transport. Data mapped on elements input will be available on the output of start element and data mapped on the input of return element(s) within the process will be available on the output of the call process element. There is only one configuration item:
Both input and output depends on the process to be called. |
Catch |
A catch element allows handling of errors in other elements. As a result it is not valid to draw arrows ending in Catch element. There are no configuration for this element. On the output there is an error code and a message that describes intercepted error. |
Log |
Log element allows writing of custom information to the same log that is available in the administration view. User provides message and code. Apart from that there is only one setting:
There is no output available. |
Return |
Return element allows user to end the flow at any point. Optionally output can be returned (i.e. for the call process activity). There must be no flow directed further from this element, therefore there is no output. |
Sleep |
Allows pausing the flow for a fixed amount of time. This element has no input/output.
Google palette contains some convenient elements that speeds development of Google oriented flows. Elements from this palette requires a REST Transport with a proper setup. See paragraph 4
Element |
Description |
Calendar |
Lets user create an event in the Google Calendar. Event title, date, duration, participants and description are all available to map. There is no other configuration necessary. There is no output in this element. |
Drive |
This element simplifies uploads and downloads of content to GDrive. There are three operations available:
JMS Services may be unavailable for some plans. All elements from this palette require JMS Transport. See paragraph 4
Element |
Description |
Send Message |
Allows user to send a message to the JMS compliant service. There are following options to be set:
Both input and output depends on the settings above. |
Wait for Message |
Wait for the message on a specific destination.
Output depends on the settings above. |
Mail palette requires dedicated Mail Transport. See paragraph 4
Element |
Description |
Mail Sender |
Allows user to send message using configured mailbox. User can map all properties below or use preconfigured ones. Following properties are available:
There is no output for this flow element. |
Parse activity allows to interpret various data formats, that are otherwise hard to read. Activities from this palette requires no transport.
Element |
Description |
CSV Parser |
Parses data in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.User must map a binary content on input. Following properties are available:
Output contains xml representing CSV data. |
Worksheet Parser |
Parses worksheet data (Currently MS Excel .xls(x) format is supported). User must provide a worksheet as a binary data on input. Following properties are available:
Output will contain xml representing worksheet data. |
This palette allows invoking external WebServices. All elements require either SOAP or REST Transport.
Element |
Description |
REST RequestReply |
Invokes REST WebService using REST Transport. On input user can map a suffix of request url and a request body.
Input and output depends on the settings above. |
SOAP RequestReply |
Invokes SOAP WebService using SOAP Transport and predefined WSDL data. Most of the parameters are taken from WSDL configuration, therefore input and output fully depends on a transport configuration.
Output will contain xml representing worksheet data. |
Validating and debugging projects
During a design phase user is able to both validate and debug project. This allows to quickly test and confrm that project contains no errors and works as expected.
Validation of project and flow
Validation can be performed either on single flow or on the whole process. To validate single flow please press validate on the canvas toolbar. This will display pop-ups whenever there will be misconfiguration of flow element. Following aspects are verified:
If links between elements are correctly
If there are no illegal loops in the flow
If configuration of elements is valid
If mappings are correct (syntax and context check)
Illustration 12
Additionally user can validate whole project. To accomplish that user must click a validate project button on a project toolbar. This works in a similar fashion to the flow validation, except it will also mark other process flows with popups if it finds problems there.
Illustration 13
Debugging of projects
Bizlynq Designer also features debug option that allows to test the project during design time. For this process all transport marked as Design-time are used. To start the process user must press the test project button on the project toolbar. This will bring designer in test mode. In this mode project is read only and allows only verification of flow operation. There is an additional test phase status pane on the upper right part of the canvas. This displays a countdown timer for each test phase. If counter reaches zero test phase will end automatically. The pane also features console switch that displays console pane on the lower right part of the canvas. This console displays data from application log plus data marked as debug. During test phase user may need to trigger proper transport manually (i.e. by sending a mail to the monitored mailbox). As processing advances gray arrows are pained black and small bugs icons appears near each traversed element. If the icon is green, then processing advanced without error, if the icon is red, there was an error.
Illustration 14
Either way user can click the bug icon and open dialog with live input and output data for each activity.
Illustration 15
When finished, user can either click “Turn off test” on a test phase status pane or click again test project button on a toolbar.
Versioning and deployment
Bizlynq features two deployment methods and a simple version control system that automatically creates snapshots of project when deployment is requested.
If proper user configuration is set (see [BizlynqAdminGuide] user settings), user can quickly deploy his project to the designated environment. During deployment phase, Bizlynq matches new transports to the project and deploys them together with a single click.
Deployment workflow
Additionally user can request a deployment to other environments. This begins a workflow which may end in project being deployed on other machines (or being rejected) more on that in the [BizlynqAdminGuide] section deployment.
Illustration 16
Version control logic is located on the footer pane of the Designer. There is a label presenting information related to the currently active version, each version can be in one of 4 states:
Draft – the only editable statement
Requested deployment – read only state after workflow is initiated.
Deployed to Test and Deployed to Prod – when project version is deployed
This label when clicked allows switching between versions, displaying a list of versions, their status and last update date.
Illustration 17
If user deployed a version and wants to continue working on a project, then a new version from the one deployed must be created. This can be accomplished by Create New Version button on project toolbar.
Illustration 18
Flow definition |
A Step |
Transport |
Bizlynq Platform |
Dashboard |
Designer |
Canvas |
Additional lecture
BizlynqAdminGuide: Bizlynq Systems, Bizlynq Administration and Management Guide, v1.0
XPath20Spec: W3C, XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0 (Second Edition), 3 January 2011
XSLT20Spec: W3C, XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 2.0, 23 January 2007
XSchema11Spec: W3C, XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1, 5 April 2012
Jms11Specification: Oracle, Java(TM) Message Service Specification , Final Release 1.1
rfc6749: IEFT, The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, October 2012
crontabDocumentation: The IEEE and The Open Group, The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7 - crontab, 2013 Edition
WS-Security: OASIS Open, WSS: SOAP Message Security, WS-Security 2004
SOAP12: W3C, SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework , 27 April 2007, Second Edition
GDriveAPIDoc: Google Inc., Drive API Reference, 2014